A Very Busy Weekend

September 25, 2023 | Oakfield

Spit roasted lamb was very popular this weekend at several events. Three at one event alone. Finely chopped garlic & mint rub coated the lamb. The aroma when cooking was amazing. Equally good was the 6 Rib of beef – There is no better way to eat lamb or beef. If you’ve not tried it you dont know what your missing! Aside from the Roast Hogs – Other faire included whole Salmon. Whole Chicken (4.5kg) wrapped in foil with lemon – all cooked in “LPG Tray roast machines)

Lots of freshly made puds, Things I can only look and feel the calories sticking to me. Banofi pie, Chocolate fudge brownies, lemon Tarte.. The list goes on