Merry Christmas
December 19, 2012 | Oakfield
This has been a very busy and at times difficult year. the house build is painfully slow – self builders beware! But the animals and the Hog Roasts have been great fun and I thank all of our customers.
We have two new litters of piglets as both Christine and Mildred have farrowed and our Pig Club is slowly generating interest. the Netherfield Girls have settled into the new home – they are very noisy compared to Christine and Mildred –
This winter we have had a lot of fox problems, they have been coming in the afternoon when everybody is fencing. Sadly my ‘silly chickens’ the Pekin Bantams , have suffered most. I will invest in a deluxe run next year!
and finally rain…I really have had enough of the rain,lets hope next year is a little warmer and a better balance between being wet and dry
Merry Christmas Kathy